Thomas Florschuetz:
Gotthard Graubner
Evelyn Hofer
Lee Ufan
François Morellet
Arnulf Rainer
Richard Serra
Peter Wegner
Paintings and Drawings
Neue Konkrete Kunst
Galerie m
Thomas Florschuetz
* 1957 Zwickau, Germany
lives and works in Berlin

More information: Thomas Florschuetz at Galerie m Bochum


Valkyrie, 0567, 2007
C-Print, Diasec, 3 parts, each 183 x 137 cm

Valkyrie, 0567, 2007
C-Print, Diasec, 3 parts, each 183 x 137 cm

enclosure (Capitol Complex) 01, 2010/11
C-Print, Diasec, 150 x 123 cm

In his series Jets, starting in 2007, Thomas Florschuetz developed photographes on a military base in the US. His images open a variety of amazingly different associations.

"The Airplane grows in a steely manner out of the history of its industry, and its motion is set against the horizon of destiny. One comprehends the airplane as what it actually is, a compromise out of superior knowledge and applied mechanics. " Ulf Erdmann Ziegler

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Under the definition Assembly Thomas Florschuetz describes series of building complexes, which focuses the direct context of the respective political system.
Galerie m Bochum shows works from the series “enclosure (Captitol Complex)”, which has been done in Chandigarh/Northern India. In his specific manner, Florschuetz transfers architectural heritage - in this case buildings made by the architect Le Corbusier - into photographs, which are highly impressive independent of the knowledge of the motif without denying the significance of the building.