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Simone Nieweg

Simone Nieweg avoids any clichéd associations, picturesque motifs or narrative elements in her landscape pictures. Her works focus our gaze instead on the two-dimensional image, without however estranging us from nature. The pictorial planes are hallmarked by a visual fecundity that comes from the earth, the vegetation, the geographic situation, the climate and from the human hand that has shaped the scene. Materiality, color and surface structure evoke a very specific texture. Ultimately, what the photographs of Simone Nieweg convey is an overwhelming impression of timeless serenity and harmony.

Common dimensions for her images are (landscape format || upright format). The sizes can vary according to the images.
small: 38 x 48 cm, framed 60 x 70 cm || 60,5 x 45 cm, framed 83 x 69 cm
medium: 75 x 110 cm, framed 100 x 140 cm || 125 x 89 cm, framed 155 x 118 cm
large: 103 x ca. 145 cm, framed 136 x 178 cm || 176 x 125 cm, framed 208 x 152 cm
Florentiner Kohl, Yuth/Moselle,2004, C-Print on Alu-Dibond, framed 139 x 172 cm
Gewässertes Beet, Düsseldorf-Kalkum,2004
Grabelandgarten, Duisburg-Wedau, 2002
Beet unter Obstbäumen, Montesson, Val d'oise, 2006
Bohnenstangen am See, Belfort,2004, C-Print, Framed: 55 x 68 cm
Flaschenkürbis, Argenteuil,2006, C-Print on Alu-Dibond, framed: 178 x 135 cm
Garten mit gekälkten Obstbäumen, Dijon,2009, C-Print, framed: 60 x 70 cm
Gartenzaun mit Teppich, Gelsenkirchen, 2003, C-Print auf Alu-Dibond, 139 x 184 cm