Exhibition information
One day at a time
News from the studios
Tuesday, June 10th 2020
Caroline von Grone
First impressions from the painting-project "Der fliegende Teppich (the flying carpet)" in a temporary studio of the Kunstmuseum Albstadt. For one week visitors could observe the progress of the project, for which Caroline von Grone portrayed a refugee family in front of a painting of the Albstadt-lannscape. Please visit the Website of the Museum for further information.
Tuesday, June 10th 2020
Caroline von Grone
First impressions from the painting-project "Der fliegende Teppich (the flying carpet)" in a temporary studio of the Kunstmuseum Albstadt. For one week visitors could observe the progress of the project, for which Caroline von Grone portrayed a refugee family in front of a painting of the Albstadt-lannscape. Please visit the Website of the Museum for further information.

Monday, May 25th 2020
Caroline von Grone Today the artist sends us new impressions from her current project Park außen (park outside).
Caroline von Grone Today the artist sends us new impressions from her current project Park außen (park outside).

Tuesday, May 12 2020
The catalogue Lucinda Devlin: Lake Pictures arrived in the gallery.
The catalogue Lucinda Devlin: Lake Pictures arrived in the gallery.

Friday, May 9th 2020
Lena von Goedeke is mounting LOT VI.
Together with the work of Adolf Luther, this cut transforms our court gallery into a veritable cabinet of reflections and mirror images.
Lena von Goedeke is mounting LOT VI.
Together with the work of Adolf Luther, this cut transforms our court gallery into a veritable cabinet of reflections and mirror images.
Thursday, May 8th 2020
Lucinda Devlin documents various states of a lake during changing times of day and seasons.
This "excerpt" gives promising impression of her work in progress.
Lucinda Devlin documents various states of a lake during changing times of day and seasons.
This "excerpt" gives promising impression of her work in progress.

Wednesday, May 7th 2020
Peter Wegner is currently working on a new work and has sent us impressions from his studio. STREET LEVEL is the name of the large installation that will be mounted on the wall of an exterior courtyard in Palo Alto, California.
The studio view shows the machined circular aluminum disks that will be used – ultimately about 400 of them. Wegner is using street maps as his source material.
Peter Wegner is currently working on a new work and has sent us impressions from his studio. STREET LEVEL is the name of the large installation that will be mounted on the wall of an exterior courtyard in Palo Alto, California.
The studio view shows the machined circular aluminum disks that will be used – ultimately about 400 of them. Wegner is using street maps as his source material.

Tuesday, May 6th 2020
Zoe Dittrich-Wamser, Achsoistische Kammer
For her first solo-exhibition in the galerie m, the young art college graduant draws from the beauty of the casualness of everyday objects, whereby she creates a playful handling with materialities, their states and conditions.
Zoe Dittrich-Wamser, Achsoistische Kammer
For her first solo-exhibition in the galerie m, the young art college graduant draws from the beauty of the casualness of everyday objects, whereby she creates a playful handling with materialities, their states and conditions.

Tuesday, April 21st 2020
Short break during the setup of the installation for Axiom 420
Short break during the setup of the installation for Axiom 420

Monday, April 20th 2020
Franka Hörnschemeyer
The preparations for the exhibition Axiom 420 are running. The setup in the exhibition space of the Galerie m will begin this week.
Franka Hörnschemeyer
The preparations for the exhibition Axiom 420 are running. The setup in the exhibition space of the Galerie m will begin this week.

Friday, April 17th 2020
Zoe Dittrich-Wamser
First works of the Achsoistische Kammer are installed. The exhibition by Zoe Dittrich-Wamser begins on April 24th.
Zoe Dittrich-Wamser
First works of the Achsoistische Kammer are installed. The exhibition by Zoe Dittrich-Wamser begins on April 24th.

Thursday, April 16th
Lena von Goedeke
Kill your Darlings
Lena von Goedeke
Kill your Darlings

Wednesday, April 15th
Tanya Poole is currently working on new works in her studion in France. We are very curious.
Tanya Poole is currently working on new works in her studion in France. We are very curious.

Tuesday, April 14th 2020
Elisabeth Vary sends us colorful imporessions from her studio
Elisabeth Vary sends us colorful imporessions from her studio

Tuesday, April 7th 2020
The need for protective gear is currently particularly great. Following the example of the Görlitz Municipal Clinic, which published diy-tips for protective equipment about two weeks ago, Susanne Breidenbach animated David Halbe from Halbe-Rahmen on March 23rd to produce facial visors, mediated contact for the purchase of necessary foils and accompanied the development process with a network of doctors. On this basis, Halbe-Rahmen developed the idea further and has been producing up to 1000 facial Visors per day since March 31st, according to the principle of form follows function. The visors are thus made available immediately where they are urgently needed. [Although it is not medically certified equipment, the gear is ideally suited to supplement protective masks, for example in the dental business.]
The WDR Lokalzeit Duisburg covered this initiative yesterday.
Picture: Manhardt Barthelmie with Marcia Lauer. In the Background the exhibition "Tracking Gandhi" by Anja Bohnhof is visible.
The need for protective gear is currently particularly great. Following the example of the Görlitz Municipal Clinic, which published diy-tips for protective equipment about two weeks ago, Susanne Breidenbach animated David Halbe from Halbe-Rahmen on March 23rd to produce facial visors, mediated contact for the purchase of necessary foils and accompanied the development process with a network of doctors. On this basis, Halbe-Rahmen developed the idea further and has been producing up to 1000 facial Visors per day since March 31st, according to the principle of form follows function. The visors are thus made available immediately where they are urgently needed. [Although it is not medically certified equipment, the gear is ideally suited to supplement protective masks, for example in the dental business.]
The WDR Lokalzeit Duisburg covered this initiative yesterday.
Picture: Manhardt Barthelmie with Marcia Lauer. In the Background the exhibition "Tracking Gandhi" by Anja Bohnhof is visible.

Monday, April 6th 2020
For his new section throughlines Peter Wegner rearranges his works by subtle similarities, revealing deep affinities between superficially different bodies of work.
For his new section throughlines Peter Wegner rearranges his works by subtle similarities, revealing deep affinities between superficially different bodies of work.

Saturday, April 4th 2020
Caroline von Grone
Update on Park außen (Park outside) . For her new series Caroline von Grone transfers her studio to the front her home, focusing on the park and green across the street.
Caroline von Grone
Update on Park außen (Park outside) . For her new series Caroline von Grone transfers her studio to the front her home, focusing on the park and green across the street.

Friday, April 3rd 2020
Anja Bohnhof
Out of solidarity towards the Indian people Anja Bohnhof draws attention to the Fundraiser by GIVEINDIA, that helps amongst others Indian peons who are currently without any income and without social security in their food supply. The Fundraiser can be supprted directly on the website of GIVEINDIA or by a special offer of the artist, that includes a set of three Offset-Prints of the series Bahak. The complete realised amount will be donated by the artist to GIVEINDIA.
Anja Bohnhof
Out of solidarity towards the Indian people Anja Bohnhof draws attention to the Fundraiser by GIVEINDIA, that helps amongst others Indian peons who are currently without any income and without social security in their food supply. The Fundraiser can be supprted directly on the website of GIVEINDIA or by a special offer of the artist, that includes a set of three Offset-Prints of the series Bahak. The complete realised amount will be donated by the artist to GIVEINDIA.

Evelyn Hofer
Today Andreas Pauly gives insight to the process of restauration of archive material by Evelyn Hofer. Step by step he describes he describes the procedure, beginning with the damaged or impured Dia-positive, continuing with the digitalization and concluding in the final archival pigment print for the archive or exhibitions.
Today Andreas Pauly gives insight to the process of restauration of archive material by Evelyn Hofer. Step by step he describes he describes the procedure, beginning with the damaged or impured Dia-positive, continuing with the digitalization and concluding in the final archival pigment print for the archive or exhibitions.

Thursday, April 2nd 2020
Lena von Goedeke
Studio Accidents (#byebyeadidas)
Lena von Goedeke
Studio Accidents (#byebyeadidas)

Wednesday, April 1st 2020
Barbara Köhler
Statment from the artist about the STAND DER DINGE ("State of things")
Barbara Köhler
Statment from the artist about the STAND DER DINGE ("State of things")

Stephan Schenk
With the beginning of the new month, Stephan Schenk takes us back to his exhibition LOOKING AROUND Chur in February in the Stadtgalerie Chur.
For more exhibition views please click top right.
With the beginning of the new month, Stephan Schenk takes us back to his exhibition LOOKING AROUND Chur in February in the Stadtgalerie Chur.
For more exhibition views please click top right.

Tuesday, March 31st 2020
Evelina Cajacob
Last week the setup of the exhibition tanzen. anders was completed. Until the opening the catalogue of the exhibition gives extensive insight on the artists work and various series.
Please follow the link for a reading sample.
Evelina Cajacob
Last week the setup of the exhibition tanzen. anders was completed. Until the opening the catalogue of the exhibition gives extensive insight on the artists work and various series.
Please follow the link for a reading sample.

Elisabeth Vary
The artist is currently working on her new artworks.
The artist is currently working on her new artworks.

Monday, March 30th 2020
Antje Dorn
Presenting her work in progress on her new series "BIG BIRDS, SMALL BIRDS" with a Behind-the-Scenes-Video.
Antje Dorn
Presenting her work in progress on her new series "BIG BIRDS, SMALL BIRDS" with a Behind-the-Scenes-Video.

Sunday, March 29th 2020
Laura Letinsky wrote us: "What a time….Hoping that all of you along with your families, loved ones, and everyone is safe and well. We are on lockdown now for over a week. I was fooling around with a medium format digital camera to document my ceramics. Haven’t fully adjusted for contrast, color et al, but wanted to share. sending hugs, virtually," Laura
Laura Letinsky wrote us: "What a time….Hoping that all of you along with your families, loved ones, and everyone is safe and well. We are on lockdown now for over a week. I was fooling around with a medium format digital camera to document my ceramics. Haven’t fully adjusted for contrast, color et al, but wanted to share. sending hugs, virtually," Laura

Saturday, March 28th 2020
Simone Nieweg
Dies ist eines meiner letzten Bilder aus dem Herbst des vergangenen Jahres. Es war ein kleiner Kampf mit der Sonne und dem Kamerastandpunkt, aber es hat geklappt. Und jetzt erlaube ich mir einen kleinen Verweis auf Hölderlin, der in seinem Gedicht "Die Eichbäume", diese beschreibt als "Volk von Titanen, die, wie der Adler die Beute, mit gewaltigem Arm den Raum ergreifen"...
Simone Nieweg
Dies ist eines meiner letzten Bilder aus dem Herbst des vergangenen Jahres. Es war ein kleiner Kampf mit der Sonne und dem Kamerastandpunkt, aber es hat geklappt. Und jetzt erlaube ich mir einen kleinen Verweis auf Hölderlin, der in seinem Gedicht "Die Eichbäume", diese beschreibt als "Volk von Titanen, die, wie der Adler die Beute, mit gewaltigem Arm den Raum ergreifen"...

Friday, March 27th 2020
Franka Hörnschemeyer is currently developing her new work "Axiom 420" for our next exhibition. The picture shows the test setup at Paschal. The exhibition starts on April 24th.
Franka Hörnschemeyer is currently developing her new work "Axiom 420" for our next exhibition. The picture shows the test setup at Paschal. The exhibition starts on April 24th.

Thursday, March 26th 2020
Zoe Dittrich-Wamser is currently preparing her exhibition "Achsoistische Kammer" for the Feature-Room of the gallery. The exhibition begins on April 24th 2020.
Zoe Dittrich-Wamser is currently preparing her exhibition "Achsoistische Kammer" for the Feature-Room of the gallery. The exhibition begins on April 24th 2020.

Wednesday, March 25th 2020
Thomas Florschuetz at the archives. The artist is currently working on a publication about his early work during the 70s and 80s. We´re looking forward to the final result.
Thomas Florschuetz at the archives. The artist is currently working on a publication about his early work during the 70s and 80s. We´re looking forward to the final result.

Tuesday, March 24th 2020
The preparations for the exhibtion America 1970s/80s. Hofer, Metzner, Meyerowitz, Newton in the Helmut Newton Foundation, featuring photographs by Evelyn Hofer, are running.
Opening on May 5th 2020.
The preparations for the exhibtion America 1970s/80s. Hofer, Metzner, Meyerowitz, Newton in the Helmut Newton Foundation, featuring photographs by Evelyn Hofer, are running.
Opening on May 5th 2020.

Monday, March 23rd 2020
Barbara Köhler
a case of verbal ( / herbal?) distancing
Barbara Köhler
a case of verbal ( / herbal?) distancing

Saturday, March 21st 2020
Lena von Goedeke
Lesson 2 of 15 in the discipline Social Distancing
Lena von Goedeke
Lesson 2 of 15 in the discipline Social Distancing

Friday, 20. March 2020
The exhibition tanzen. anders is taking shape. The setup continuous confindently.
The exhibition tanzen. anders is taking shape. The setup continuous confindently.

Thursday, March 19th 2020
Caroline von Grone
Work in progress on the series Park außen, where the artist focuses on a particular section of park vegetation right in front of her house.
Caroline von Grone
Work in progress on the series Park außen, where the artist focuses on a particular section of park vegetation right in front of her house.

Wednesday, March 18th 2020
Lena von Goedeke
Lesson 1 of 15 in the discipline Social Distancing
Overview of all Lessons so far.
Lena von Goedeke
Lesson 1 of 15 in the discipline Social Distancing
Overview of all Lessons so far.

Evelina Cajacob
The artist with the catalogue for the exhibition tanzen. anders in the Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur. .
The artist with the catalogue for the exhibition tanzen. anders in the Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur. .

Tuesday, March 17th 2020
Korrespondenzen - Barbara Köhler
in: die horen nr. 277 Buchhandlung Scheuermann
Korrespondenzen - Barbara Köhler
in: die horen nr. 277 Buchhandlung Scheuermann

Monday, March 16th 2020
Lena von Goedeke,
the new cutting is done, carefully checked and packed
Lena von Goedeke at work
Lena von Goedeke,
the new cutting is done, carefully checked and packed
Lena von Goedeke at work

Sunday, March 15th 2020
Installation Evelina Cajacob, tanzen. anders, Kunstmuseum Chur - unfortunately the Museum will remain closed until April 20th
Installation Evelina Cajacob, tanzen. anders, Kunstmuseum Chur - unfortunately the Museum will remain closed until April 20th