Exhibition information
A Room of One's Own
14 January - 28 July 2023
Evelina Cajacob
Zoe Dittrich-Wamser
Laura Letinsky
Melanie Manchot
Elisabeth Vary
The exhibition is named for Virginia Woolf’s “A Room of One’s Own,” a book whose generalized and critical approach remains emblematic to this day for feminism worldwide. And yet the selection of works and their interplay is marked by a cheerful, inspiring “lightness.” A drawing installation by Evelina Cajacob, still life photographs by Laura Letinsky, an expansive sculpture by Zoe Dittrich-Wamser, a video work and photographs by Melanie Manchot, and painting-objects by Elisabeth Vary create a poetic, sensual world. The spaces conjured therein may be architectural and physical in nature, but can also be understood as living space that can be shaped to suit individual needs and desires.
Evelina Cajacob
Zoe Dittrich-Wamser
Laura Letinsky
Melanie Manchot
Elisabeth Vary
The exhibition is named for Virginia Woolf’s “A Room of One’s Own,” a book whose generalized and critical approach remains emblematic to this day for feminism worldwide. And yet the selection of works and their interplay is marked by a cheerful, inspiring “lightness.” A drawing installation by Evelina Cajacob, still life photographs by Laura Letinsky, an expansive sculpture by Zoe Dittrich-Wamser, a video work and photographs by Melanie Manchot, and painting-objects by Elisabeth Vary create a poetic, sensual world. The spaces conjured therein may be architectural and physical in nature, but can also be understood as living space that can be shaped to suit individual needs and desires.

Elisabeth Vary

Zoe Dittrich-Wamser
Evelina Cajacob

Melanie Manchot
Melanie Manchot

Laura Letinsky