Richard Serra
Black is a property, not a quality. In terms of weight, black is heavier,
creates a larger volume, holds itself in a more compressed field. It is
comparable to forging [steel]. Since black is the densest color
material, it absorbs and dissipates light to a maximum and thereby
changes the artificial as well as the natural light in a given room.
Richard Serra
Richard Serra

Schlaun, 1997, Aquatintaradierung auf Somerset Velvet Papier, 60 x 80,5 cm
Maillart Extended, 1989, Lithographie, 62,5 x 88,5 cm
Maillart Extended, 1989, Lithographie, 62,5 x 88,5 cm

Sketch #2, 1981, Lithographie, 71 x 56 cm
Sketch #5, 1981, Lithographie, 71 x 56 cm
Sketch #5, 1981, Lithographie, 71 x 56 cm

Billie Holiday, 1999, Radierung auf Somerset Satin Papier, 151,5 x 121 cm

Rue Ligner, 1989, Lithographie, 180 x 133 cm

Cool Down, 1996, Radierung, Goitia Ivory Papier, 84,5 x 108 cm

o.T., 1989, Siebdruck, 67 x 49,4 cm